to Marion Oaks, FL

to Marion Oaks, FL

I slept in this morning and made a hot breakfast and was able to thoroughly dry the tent before Diane arrived at the campground.  We rented a canoe and paddled up the Rainbow River to its source in the other part of the park.  Along the way Diane pointed out cormorants, egrets, and other wildlife.  The water is some of the clearest in the world, very popular with scuba divers.

I was still kind of shaken from riding in traffic yesterday, so I accepted Diane's offer of a ride into town.  We were able to fit all my gear into the back of her pickup.  We stopped at her local grocery store on the way home, and she seemed to know everyone there, just like Lonnie did in Fairfield.  It took us over an hour to buy three items, but we had some great conversations!

25.5 mi
