By Ben |

A bit of background: we initially planned to take this trip in 2023, but with one thing and another postponed it to 2024, which is our 15th anniversary. We started planning months in advance, since we had only two weeks to work with, we wanted to fit in all the activities we cared about while leaving some flexibility. I booked the flights and the campervan rental, and Jessie booked the hotels and car rental. I mention these details because they are relevant later.

As part of the planning, Jessie upgraded her phone plan to have unlimited data in both countries. On past international trips, I had been the one with a signal while Jessie had to get by without, but now Jessie has that carrier and I don't! I figured I'd see if I could get by with wi-fi, and buy a SIM only if I needed one.

Sun, June 23

Our flight was around 7pm. Josh gave us a lift to the airport and took Kooper home with him for the duration. We changed planes in LA around midnight without incident.