By Ben |

I took the recommendation of the folks from Alaska and went with them on a tour of the First Black Baptist Church, which was founded in 1775.  I missed the beginning of the tour, so I'm not clear on whether it was a stop on the Underground Railroad or a coordination center.  The best part of the tour was the guide, who has personally researched the history of the place and encouraged all her guests to question what they're taught in school about slavery and American history.  One curious feature of the church that's still being researched is Hebrew graffiti on the ends of the upstairs pews!  It was the guide herself who figured out that it was Hebrew script.

I spent most of the afternoon researching my route through South Carolina at the library.  Then I hung out at Forsyth Park -- sort of the Central Park of the historic district -- until the hostel's "lockout" period ended at 5:00.  Forsyth Park is world-class people-watching.  I think if I were playing People Bingo the only squares left uncovered would be women in hijabs and Hare Krishas.