Electromagnetic Field Survey
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Many of my friends in Fairfield, Iowa, are in an uproar right now about a new cell-phone tower that, unlike the existing two towers on the outskirts of town, is near homes and a few blocks from an elementary school. Here's some of the existing press about the controversy:
So as many of you have already read or heard, I had my gallbladder out last Thursday. It was the first surgery I have ever had, first time under general anesthesia, first overnight stay in the hospital since I was born and first organ removal. Yes I still have my tonsils and my appendix. Until now the most major things I have had removed are my wisdom teeth. So here is how I remember it:
Jessie had her gallbladder removed yesterday, and we're pleased to say that everything went as smoothly as it possibly could! She would have been discharged yesterday afternoon, but her surgeon likes to keep patients under observation for as long as their insurance allows (23 hours), so she came home this morning.
Jessie's mom, Debbie, came to town to help out, and stayed overnight in the hospital room while I came home and slept with the cats. Debbie will be here until Sunday. Thanks, Debbie!
Jessie and I are both sick with a cold right now. The last time this happened was over six months ago, just at the time we moved to Emporia. In the intervening six months I didn't get sick even once, even though Jessie brought home a variety of ailments from the University, especially in January... but back to last August. It was a cold of truly marvelous speed and severity and contagiousness, and it hit us at a pivotal time in our lives, and the story has not yet been properly told. So here it is, based on the notes I took at the time.
All content of this site is copyright © Ben and Jessie Stallings unless otherwise indicated. Please do not use without permission.
"Blue Boat Home" is the name of a UU hymn by Peter Mayer, about how we are all travelers on the Earth. We have his permission and blessing to use the name for this site.