Heritage Manor

By Ben |

In the summer of 1993, I had no luck finding a summer job (partly due to having no idea what I was doing) and instead spent the summer volunteering at a local nursing home. It was a very rewarding experience that helped me to grow in a variety of ways. Here are some of my reflections on what I learned:

Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla (Robot Version)

By admin |

Back in 1998, I wrote a parody of the Schoolhouse Rock song about pronouns by Bob Dorough and Kathy Mandary. Since I didn't have access to the original at the time, it's a very loose parody. But my friend Rich Brown liked it and put it up on his Web site, where Jessie found it when she googled my name after we were first introduced online.

Second Wind: How Bicycling around North America Changed my Life

By Ben |

In 2004, I sold my possessions and hit the road on my bicycle for a 10 month, 7,000 mile solo bicycle trip, going south for the winter and returning north in the spring. Five years after I completed the trip, I wrote a series of ten essays, each on a subject where my perspective had changed due to the trip. I've revised the essays each five years after that, so they've now been revised twice and are in the form of a Google doc that can be downloaded or printed for easier reading.

We moved to Benson!

By Ben |

Image removed.Last time I wrote, almost a year ago now, we had sold our house in Emporia, Kansas and were moving to Omaha, Nebraska. We lived in an apartment in the Dundee neighborhood for 10 months (from the end of August through the end of June), bought a house in the Benson neighborhood at the end of May, and as of yesterday we have finally moved the last of our stuff out of storage. I feel like our unusual move needs some explanation.